Russian Map

      Circa 1900
      Approximate Scale: 1 inch = 7.6 miles, 1 cm = 4.8 kms
      In color -- pretty but takes a while to download

      Here are some places that you might want to locate and how they appear on the map.
      What is shown here are latin letters that resemble the cyrillic letters.

      Brest = bPECT"b-AHTOBCKIH
      Kobrin = KObPHH'b
      Pruzhany = IIPYXAHbI
      Bereza = Kapmy3a-bepe3a
      Antopol = Anmonori

Polish Map

      Date unknown but probably later than the Russian map above
      Approximate Scale: 1 inch = 12.7 miles, 1 cm = 8 kms
      In black/white -- not as pretty but faster to download than Russian map

      Here are some places that you might want to locate and how they appear on the map.

      Brest = Brzesc-Litevski
      Kobrin = Kobryn
      Pruzhany = Proujany
      Bereza = Kartauzkia Bereza
      Antopol = Antopol