Credits for Accessing Ellis Island Manifests in One Step (
(also known as: Missing Manifests)

Stephen P. Morse, San Francisco


The links in the Ellis Island database to many of the scanned images of the original manifests are either broken or missing (see the 400-series questions on faq page). However Alex Calzareth has discovered that the images are in the Ellis Island database even though the links to them aren't, and he has figured out a way to access those images directly. Furthermore, Michael Tobias has done an outstanding job of cataloging the manifest locations to greatly simplify accessing the manifest images, and Yves Goulnik has figured out how to dynamically compute the start and end frame of each microfilm roll on which the manifest images are located.

The following is my adaptation of Calzareth's and Tobias' work, combined with Goulnik's dynamic updating going on in the background. Thanks to Zev Griner for catching some of my errors and teaching me how to change the magnification, and to Tony Hansen for his numerous improvements to the page layout.

In 2014 the rolls for the years past 1924 were added to the database. A special thanks to Barbara Rushinski for determining the codes necessary to access these rolls, and for compiling them into tables. In 2018 the rolls for the years prior to 1892 were added to the database.

© Stephen P. Morse, 2002