Dicionário Sefaradi de Sobrenomes, Guilherme Faiguenboim, Paulo Valadares, and Anna Rosa Campagnano (Rio de Janeiro 2003) -- faig |
Judíos de Toledo, 2 vols., Pilar León Tello (Madrid 1979) -- tello |
A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Maghreb, Gibraltar, and Malta, Alexander Beider (2017) -- djsm |
A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Italy, France, and Portuguese Communities, Alexander Beider (2019) -- djsi |
Aleppo Jewish Surnames Index (2023), Jacob Rosen -- ralp |
Index of Jewish Surnames in Alexandria in the 20th Century (2021), Jacob Rosen -- ralx |
Consolidated Baghdadi Jewish Surnames Index (2020), Jacob Rosen -- rbag |
Jewish Surnames in Beirut (2024), Jacob Rosen -- rbei |
Jewish Surnames of 20th Century Cairo (2020), Jacob Rosen -- rcai |
Jewish Surnames of 20th Century Damascus (2020), Jacob Rosen -- rdam |
Dictionary of Bulgarian Jewish Surnames (2014), Mathilde Tagger -- tagg |